Meeting Standards
Meeting standards is an initiative of SBS - Small Business Standards, launched with the aim of raising awareness among European SMEs and SME organisations about the importance of standardisation and of getting involved in the standards writing process.
Pact for Skills in Construction
The Pact for Skills in Construction was initiated by the European Commission in 2021 in the framework of the “EU Skills Agenda”, and developed by FIEC, EFBWW and EBC, to mobilise a concerted effort among private and public stakeholders for quality investment in Vocational and Educational Training (VET), knowledge, skills and competences to benefit the European construction sector, for all working age people across the EU.
In December 2019, EBC joined forces with 11 major European clean energy associations in the context of campaign #BetterBuildingsEU. The campaign, initiated by SolarPower Europe, calls for a bold strategy concerning the renovation of the EU building stock to be part of the European Green Deal – with on-site renewables, energy efficiency, and smart energy solutions at its core.
EBC joined in November 2019 the #Skills4Climate campaign, initiated by the European Electrical Contractors’ Association EuropeON (formerly AIE). The campaign calls on EU and national policy makers to strengthen the skills base in the electrical and construction sector, with the ambition to enable the enterprises to roll out the clean energy technologies needed for the transition to a decarbonised built environment.
Healthy Workplaces campaign on dangerous substances
Since May 2018, EBC is an official partner of the new European wide campaign “Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances campaign 2018-19”, carried out by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA. The aim of the campaign is to promote the prevention of risks related to dangerous substances in workplaces.
Small is Beautiful
Since May 2018, EBC is an official partner of the “Small is Beautiful” campaign initiated by SolarPower Europe. The campaign urges policy makers to acknowledge the specificities of small-scale renewable installations and cogeneration facilities in the European electricity market.