Sectoral social dialogue: Towards inclusiveness, EBC calls for fair representation at European level --- Subcontracting in construction: Investigating the need of limits to prevent social dumping & unfair competition --- Standardisation: Publication of new Construction Products Regulation and EBC-SBS guide for SMEs --- Innovation: ECCREDI explores cutting-edge innovation for construction in last meeting at Buildwise center--- & moreNovembre
EBC sparks dialogue on Housing, Energy, and Construction at European Parliament --- European Commission: Dan Jørgensen confirmed as first-ever Commissioner for Energy and Housing --- Circularity: EBC President speaks in recyclers’ conference on circularity in construction in Italy --- Standards: EBC presents SME views at EC Conference on the new Construction Products Regulation--- & moreOctober
Housing: EBC discusses the role of the new European Parliament and Commission for housing --- EBC meets Polish member Związek Rzemiosła Polskiego ZRP in Warsaw --- Late Payment: EBC urges EU Council and Parliament to continue work on legislative proposal --- Labour mobility: EBC attends 4th ELA Forum on the Posting of Workers in Bratislava --- Sustainable Finance: EBC attends International Sustainable Housing Finance Symposium by the EEMI --- EU Projects --- & moreSeptember
Sustainable Finance: EBC meets Cabinets of EVP Dombrovskis and Commissioner McGuinness on simplification potential --- European Commission: EBC congratulates Dan Jørgensen on his nomination as first European Commissioner for Energy and Housing--- EBC and Bouwunie discuss Belgian and European challenges for SMEs in construction --- Innovation: EBC visits Luxembourg’s Fédération des Artisans and pioneering Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment-- Posting of workers: Commission holds meeting with social partners on implementation of directive---EU Projects --- & moreJuly & August
EBC congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on re-election and welcomes construction-oriented priorities--- Social dialogue: Discussions on SME participation and inclusiveness with the European Commission--- Standardisation: Small Business Standards calls for experts to represent SMEs in 2025--- Energy efficiency: Bruegel estimates annual investment gap of €149 billion to deliver EPBD goals by 2030-- Digitalisation: European Commission survey on BIM in Public procurement ---EU Projects --- & moreJune
EBC welcomes the International Association of Painting Contractors UNIEP as new member--- EPBD: Insights from the 1st EU Peers Summit, the Community for Integrated Home Renovation Services--- EUSEW: Highlights of the joint EBC-Efficients Building Europe policy session on scaling up energy renovation--- Craftmanship: Study on an EU policy for the craft sector by the Belgian Presidency of the Council--- Digitalisation: EBC attends CEN/TC 442 plenary on Building Information Modelling ---EU Projects --- & moreMay
EU Elections: EBC partners with European Parliament in campaign for European elections--- EBC messages for EU legislature 2024-2029--- Energy Efficiency: Implementation work of recast EPBD under way --- Late Payment:New EU Pilot Project on Mediation for Payment Disputes in the Construction Sector--- Circular Economy:Ongoing revision of EU Protocol and Guidelines on Construction and Demolition Waste --- EUSEW 2024: Register to EBC/Efficient Buildings Europe session on how to scale up energy renovation --- & moreApril
EBC launch messages for EU legislature 2024-2029--- Skills:Construction SMEs and crafts’ 10 action points to address skills and labour needs in construction --- EU Year of Skills: EBC talks green, digital and skills transitions in construction in Commission closing event--- EPBD:EPBD: EBC and its construction SMEs call for quality implementation after adoption of recast by EU Council --- Late Payment:European Parliament sends strong SME-friendly signal with clear support of Thun report --- The Construction2050 Alliance calls for action on housing and new built solutions in open letter & moreMarch
EBC breakfast in the European Parliament--- Energy Efficiency:EBC salutes the approval by the European Parliament of the EPBD recast --- Late Payment: Construction SMEs call for improvements building on the IMCO compromises --- Sustainable cities: Commission Vice-President invites EBC President to Clean dialogue for cities --- Posting of workers: ELA workshop on construction with Member states and social partners in Bratislava --- Sustainable construction: EBC attends first Buildings and Climate Global Forum in Paris--- & moreFebruary
EBC meets Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit --- Late Payment: EBC regrets the postponement of the vote in IMCO committee --- Health & Safety: EBC becomes an official partner of EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces campaign--- Renewables: EBC intervenes in EU Solar Buildings Strategy Day--- Construction 4.0: EBC interviewed by BUILD UP for its Expert Talks video series --- Construction Products Regulation: IMCO committee approves provisional agreement for the revision--- EBC membership: Bouwunie visits CAPEB --- Data & Statistics: A new and improved EU Building Stock Observatory is online --- Standardisation: SMEs advocate for a more inclusive national and international standardisation --- Robotisation: Mid-term review for HumanTech project on human-robot collaboration in construction