Facts & Figures

The construction sector is of vital importance to the European economy. With more than 3 million enterprises and a total direct workforce of 18 million people, the construction sector generates about 9% of the GDP of the EU.

99.9% of the European construction sector is composed of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (fewer than 250 employees). In the EU, micro enterprises display the biggest part of the sector with 94.1%. To identify a reference point, in 2016, construction SMEs made up for 88% of total employment and 80% of total value added of the construction sector in the EU-28.

Performance and trends of the construction sector

Until the end of 2006, construction output in Europe increased steadily but, with the economic and financial crisis, output began to decline quite dramatically. Between spring 2008 and early 2013 the level of total construction in the EU-28 was on a more or less constant decline. However, as from 2015 the construction sector seems to be on the path to recovery. To know more about performance and trends of the construction sector, please consult:

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and its mission is to provide high quality statistics for Europe. A specific Eurostat session is dedicated to annual dedicated statistics for the construction sector.

EUROCONSTRUCT is a European research network specialised in construction market analyses and forecasting. The aim of EUROCONSTRUCT is to provide decision-makers in the construction sector and related markets and in ministries, agencies and national and international associations with information, analyses and forecasts to enable them to plan business more effectively.

The European Construction Sector Observatory (ECSO) is an initiative under COSME. It regularly analyses and carries out comparative assessments on the construction sector in all 28 EU countries – aiming to keep European policymakers and stakeholders up to date on market conditions and policy developments.

Skills Panorama is an initiative of Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) turning labour market data into accurate and timely intelligence to offer new insights into skill needs in the European Union. A specific section of Skills Panorama is dedicated to the construction sector.