Energy transition: EBC in new European Net Zero Alliance -ENZA video

Standardisation: SBS releases Guide for SMEs to navigate contradictory standards in construction

Energy Efficiency: LIFE project CondoReno partners meet in Amsterdam  

Construction 4.0: EBC travels to Athens to meet the HumanTech consortium  

Standardisation: Industry actors react to draft IMCO Report on the Construction Products Regulation 

Social affairs: EBC invited to European Labour Authority meeting on engagement with social partners  

Public procurement: EBC participates to High Level Construction Forum session on BIM in public contracts

SME Assembly 2022: dense programme but no focus on buildings

Standardisation: Joint EBC, SBS, FIEC and CPE reaction to the IMCO report for a revised Construction Products Regulation

EPBD: EBC endorses industry call for a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency