EU Council adoption of recast EPBD: EBC and its construction SMEs call for quality implementation

Energy transition: EBC in new European Net Zero Alliance -ENZA video

Energy renovation: EBC contributes to the Renovation week of the Belgian Presidency of the Council

Energy transition: EBC joins European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA)

Asbestos: EBC position calls for a realistic legislative framework with strong accompanying measures for construction SMEs and crafts

EPBD: EBC endorses industry call for a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency

Digital construction: Successful conclusion of the pioneering BIM4Ren project on BIM tools for SMEs in renovation

Energy efficiency: EBC exchanges with property owners, consumers, and housing representatives

Circular economy: EBC shares construction SMEs considerations in ECESP Circular talk on secondary materials

EU Taxonomy: EBC President calls for a pragmatic and SME-friendly sustainable finance framework in Construction 2050 Alliance event