Late Payment: EBC urges EU Council and Parliament to continue work on legislative proposal

Late Payment: New EU Pilot Project on Mediation for Payment Disputes in the Construction Sector

Late Payment: European Parliament sends strong SME-friendly signal with clear support of Thun report

Late Payment: EBC calls for clear enforcement in EU Payment Observatory event

Late Payment Regulation Construction SMEs advocate improvements building on the compromises reached at IMCO

Late Payment: EBC regrets the postponement of the vote in IMCO committee

SME Assembly 2023: Construction SMEs show support to Regulation proposal to tackle late payment

Late payments: EBC welcomes the ambition to empower Construction SMEs and Crafts

Late payments: Euronews invites EBC to discuss late payment impact on construction SMEs and crafts

Late Payment: SME representatives discuss the impact of bad payment behaviours in event at EESC