Circularity: New Horizon Europe project SUM4Re focuses on material reuse in construction through urban mining

Vacancy notice: EU Projects officer

Construction 4.0: BEEYONDERS partners met in Sevilla to discuss next actions

Renewables: new Horizon Europe project on integrated photovoltaics kicks off in Leuven

Construction 4.0: HumanTech partners gathered in Barcelona to discuss next actions

Construction 4.0: EBC intervenes in the European Robotics Forum 2023 via the Beeyonders project

Circular economy: Launch of new Horizon Europe project BIO4EEB on bio-based insulation materials

Construction 4.0: EBC travels to Athens to meet the HumanTech consortium  

Construction 4.0: new EU-funded EBC project “Human Centered Technologies for a safer and greener European Construction Industry”

Construction 4.0: EBC will explore human-centric technologies in new EU-funded project Beeyonders