Energy efficiency: Bruegel think-tank estimates annual investment gap of €149 billion to deliver EPBD goals by 2030

EU Council adoption of recast EPBD: EBC and its construction SMEs call for quality implementation

Energy efficiency: Council and Parliament reach agreement on EPBD revision

Energy efficiency: EBC invited to discuss EPBD with the BUILD UP Board of Ambassadors

Energy Efficiency: Co-legislators mark progress in EPBD trilogue negotiation

Energy efficiency: EBC discusses with MEP Sean Kelly and DG Energy on EPBD

Energy Efficiency: European Commission Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum discusses ban on standalone boilers

Energy Efficiency: EBC intervenes on EPBD during CNA’s Sustainable construction week

EPBD: EBC reaction to vote in ITRE committee

EPBD: EBC endorses industry call for a bottom-up approach for integrated system efficiency