Innovation: second ECCREDI Council meeting

Construction 4.0: Kicking off the Beeyonders project and its worker-friendly technologies in Madrid

EBC members meet new Head of Unit Construction Knapton-Vierlich during General Assembly

Digital construction: The European Commission launches a website on the digitalisation of construction SMEs

EUSEW: final BIM4Ren event on digital tools and the Renovation wave

Skills: EBC addresses the need for reliable data on skill shortage at EHI event

Digital construction: BIM4Ren training days in Italy and France

EUSEW 2022: final BIM4Ren event on digital tools for construction SMEs, skills and the Renovation Wave

Digitalization: BIM4REN final events’ calendar

Construction 4.0: EBC will explore human-centric technologies in new EU-funded project Beeyonders