Energy Efficiency: highlights from the CondoReno LIFE project’s International Advisory Board and Steering Committee meetings

Energy Efficiency: EBC, IPOSZ and the LIFE project CondoReno organise event in Budapest to boost condominium renovations in Hungary

Renovation Wave: EBC, IPOSZ and the LIFE project CondoReno organise workshop in Budapest on how to boost condominium renovations in Hungary

EPBD: Insights from the 1st EU Peers Summit, the Community for Integrated Home Renovation Services

Energy Efficiency: CondoReno Steering Committee advances sustainable renovation in Mechelen

Energy Efficiency: First CondoReno Flemish National Advisory Board and Acceleration Workshop

Energy Efficiency: EBC attends Steering Committee of LIFE project CondoReno

Energy Efficiency: LIFE project CondoReno partners meet in Amsterdam