Asbestos: EBC and FIEC meet Commission to discuss a realistic removal framework

Health & Safety: FIEC and EBC call for realistic occupational exposure limits on asbestos and strong accompanying measures

Construction 2050 Alliance Press Release: The construction ecosystem as an opportunity for new talent? YES!

Energy Efficiency: DG Energy stakeholder workshops on the EPBD revision

EU Industrial Strategy: the construction value-chain stands ready to define a pathway for transition to achieve EU goals

Construction 2050 Alliance: Launch of the Alliance website and social media

Energy Efficiency: Commission should act with proportion regarding a possible revision of the EPBD

EBC joins the Construction & Infrastructure Leadership Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

One-stop-shops for sustainable renovation: A key tool to inform, motivate, assist and support

Chemical Agents and Asbestos: SMEs need a holistic approach