EU Recovery: Construction 2050 Alliance event on National Recovery Plans --- Skills: BUILD UP interviews EBC Secretary General Eugenio Quintieri --- Construction Products Regulation: the German EU Council Presidency conference --- BIM: BIM4Ren concept video on easy-to-use BIM tools for energy renovationNovember
Construction 2050 Alliance: event on National Recovery Plans --- Pact for Skills: EBC Vice President meets with Commissioners Breton & Schmit --- Training: CONDAP Info day and pilot testing of the online course for construction mentors --- Digitalisation: BIM4Ren General Assembly, Tech day & webinar --- BIM: competition presented during BIM-SPEED Industry DayOctober
Renovation Wave: new communication is a step towards more energy efficiency --- Public Procurement: support construction SMEs by better implementing the directive --- Standards: SBS Construction Forum and SME compatibility test --- Skills: CONDAP event on enhancing the skills of mentors in construction --- Digitalisation: Webinar on BIM4Ren tools for data acquisition, enhancement & simulation --- EU Recovery: Construction 2050 Alliance event on boosting the role of construction --- Green Deal: EBC talks about the Renovation Wave at the SolarPower SummitSeptember
Circular economy: Construction SMEs are vital to achieving the EU environmental goals --- Construction Products Regulation: joint EBC, FIEC, CPE & SBS Discussion Paper --- Standards: Small Business Standards event on SMEs and the data economy --- Skills: the CONDAP online course for construction mentors is ready --- Digital construction: join the DigiPLACE Community of StakeholdersJune
Recovery Plan: we need an EU concerted action to prioritise the built environment! --- Construction 2050 Alliance: official presentation at the EC High-level Tripartite Strategic Forum --- Late Payments: construction must be addressed as a top priority --- Standardisation: call for experts to represent SMEs at the European and international level --- Recovery Plan: appeal by the construction industry for a rapid and sustainable recovery --- EUSEW: event on the Renovation wave and the #BetterBuildingsEU campaign --- Construction Blueprint: launch of the Sectorial Skills Alliance on LinkedIn!May
Green 'Superbonus': Joint EBC-FIEC-UIPI statement supporting the Italian plan for the building sector --- Recovery strategy: Follow-up letter on the multiplier effect of investing in the EU construction sector --- Digital construction: Meet BIM4Ren, easy-to-use BIM tools for renovation --- Recovery fund: Joint EBC-FIEC-CPE declaration on a €320 billion dedicated budget for construction --- Covid-19 UpdatesApril
Renovation wave to support the recovery: videocall with EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson --- Recovery strategy: Follow-up videocall with EU Internal Market Commissioner T. Breton --- Digital construction: BIM4Ren webinar on easy-to-use BIM tools for renovation --- Train the trainers: CONDAP online training and assessment material for construction mentors --- COVID-19 UpdatesMarch
COVID-19: Declaration of the European Construction sector --- Videocall with EU Internal Market Commissioner Breton on COVID-19 impact on construction --- COVID-19 Updates: Impact and reaction of construction SMEsFebruary
Construction 2050: a unique alliance for a sustainable built environment --- Sustainable construction: EBC meets Timmermans Head of Cabinet --- Standardisation: CEN-CENELEC video on standards for digital construction --- Green Deal: EBC first take on the impact for the built environment --- Sustainable buildings: stakeholders discuss Level(s) test phaseJanuary
DigiPLACE: survey to assess the digital maturity of construction SMEs --- Late Payments: ECJ judgement insists on timely payment by public authorities --- Driving times & Tachographs: political agreement recognizes construction specificities --- Standardisation: SBS new Director Olabarria --- Construction Products Regulation: legislative scrutiny time on its implementation --- Social affairs: European Commission launches "Fair minimum wage" initiative --- NETconVET project: final meeting in Madrid