Health & Safety: 16th call for nominations to the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards

Health & Safety: EBC becomes an official partner of new EU-OSHA campaign Healthy Workplaces campaign

Health & Safety: Revised Asbestos at Work Directive in EU Official Journal

Asbestos: EMPL Committee adopts Report on Asbestos at Work Directive in European Parliament

Asbestos: EBC position calls for a realistic legislative framework with strong accompanying measures for construction SMEs and crafts

Asbestos: EBC and FIEC joint statement to the draft EMPL report on asbestos at work

Asbestos: EBC meets MEP Villumsen to discuss asbestos at work and SMEs

Asbestos: Commission presents plans for screening and removal in High-Level Construction Forum

Asbestos: Commission proposes more realistic exposure limit value in new legislative proposal