Our Affiliations
EBC is a sectoral member of and works in close cooperation with SMEunited (ex-UEAPME), the employers’ organisation representing the interests of European crafts and SMEs at the EU level. SMEunited is a recognised European Social Partner, representing over 12 million enterprises with nearly 55 million employees across Europe. Since 2008, EBC has been chairing the SMEunited Construction Forum. This sectoral committee discusses the most important policy developments regarding construction craftsmen and SMEs within SMEunited.
EBC is a founding member and project partner of Small Business Standards (SBS). SBS is a European non-profit association established with the support of the European Commission to represent and defend SMEs’ interests in the standardisation process at European and international level. Within SBS, the work of EBC mainly focuses on defending SMEs’ interests in the drafting process of technical standards in the construction sector. EBC also has two mandated experts on behalf of SBS in CEN Technical Committees and leads SBS strategic approach on BIM and related standards. The EBC Secretary General sits on the SBS Board of Directors.
In 2020, EBC initiated (together with FIEC, CECE and Construction Products Europe) the Construction 2050 Alliance, a partnership now comprising 52 European organisations representing the actors of the built environment working together to advance the needs and priorities of the wider construction and built-environment sector at the European level. The Construction 2050 Alliance constitutes an unprecedented level of cooperation under a common vision towards a sustainable construction sector and it has been established to coordinate common political messages of the construction value chain and raise the political importance of the sector at the European level.
EBC contributes to the High Level Construction Forum (HLCF), a platform launched by the European Commission whose aim is to foster a process of a transition pathway towards a green, digital and resilient construction ecosystem. It gathers about 220 representatives from industry, EU countries, European Commission, social partners and other stakeholders to exchange on the main priorities and themes of the HLCF.
EBC is member of the European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI), created in 1995.The aim of ECCREDI is to contribute to the competitiveness, quality, safety and environmental performance of the construction sector and to the overall sustainability of the built environment – all urban and transport infrastructures – by advocating for effective construction research, technological and process development and innovation.
The European Housing Forum was created in 1997, following the adoption of a resolution on the social aspect of housing by the European Parliament. The Forum is an informal platform gathering representative organisations of the entire housing sector, such as international or European organisations representing consumers, providers, professionals and researchers.
The Built4People partnership is the co-programmed partnership within Horizon Europe providing a cross-cluster structure, bringing together public and private sectors to create research and innovation pathways based on a holistic view of the built environment for sustainability and better living. B4P’s ambition is to catalyse the transition to a people-centric, climate-neutral, sustainable, and smart built environment that will meet the objectives of the European Green Deal, sustain the ambitious objectives of the Renovation Wave, and align with the bold aims of the New European Bauhaus.
Since 2023 EBC is member of ENZA – European Net Zero Alliance. The platform allows teamwork between likeminded organisations from across all sectors and covering the whole value chain who can deliver the energy transition through a common approach. ENZA will allow stronger stakeholder alignment on policy options and support decision makers to identify the most comprehensive, impactful, and cost-efficient solutions for climate mitigation. This new platform will seek to promote progressive and sustainable crosscutting solutions with a strong EU footprint.
Our Partnership With the European Union
Since 2004 EBC sits as an observer in the Standing Committee on Construction (SCC). This Committee was set up on the basis of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Chaired by the Head of the Construction Unit of the European Commission, this Committee is composed of Member States’ representatives and relevant organisations to examine the implementation and practical application of the CPR. EBC also has an observer status in the Advisory Group of the SCC.
In 2013 the European Commission launched the “Construction 2020 Action Plan” that is based on the Communication “Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises”. EBC participates in the High-level tripartite Strategic Forum as well as the five Thematic Groups on stimulating investment conditions for renovation, improving human capital, improving resource efficiency, strengthening the internal market for construction and fostering the global competitive position of European construction enterprises.
EBC Past President Patrick Liébus joined the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in October 2015 with a five-year mandate. As a full member of the Employers’ group, he participates to the EESC Single Market and Social Affairs sections. He represents the French Confederation of the micro and small construction businesses (CAPEB) and the Professional Union of micro-companies (U2P). EBC Secretariat staff members have been appointed as his alternates.
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European countries to develop and define voluntary standards at European level. On behalf of SBS, EBC Standardisation Technical Officer contributes to the works of CEN technical committees. Moreover, EBC strategically leads SBS activities on Building Information Modelling (BIM) by contributing to the works of CEN TC 442, tasked with BIM standardisation.
For several years, EBC has been a partner of the biennial campaigns run by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Living up to the commitment to improve occupational health and safety, EBC and its members actively participate and contribute in order to stay up-to-date with regards to health & safety issues. EBC is an official partner of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2018-19 on dangerous substances.
Launched in July 2013, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a platform which brings together governments with key stakeholders to strengthen the quality, supply, mobility and image of apprenticeships in Europe. EBC joined in 2015 to strengthen apprenticeships in the construction sector, by providing recommendations to its national members and all construction SMEs on how to take actions in this regard.
EBC is a partner of the BUILD UP Platform for energy efficiency in buildings. Launched in 2009, BUILD UP is a European Commission initiative aiming to reduce the energy consumption of buildings across Europe. Build Up promotes an effective implementation of energy saving measures in buildings and offers free access to a wide range of information on best practices, technologies and legislation for energy reduction.
Our Partnership With Construction Stakeholders
The European Social Dialogue Committee for Construction was created in 1999 by the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) and the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBWW) with the support of the European Commission. Since 2007, EBC is part of the employers’ delegation for this committee. EBC Secretary General as well as EBC members’ experts attend the committee meetings.
EBC is a stakeholder within the Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan (EeMAP) of the European Mortgage Federation/European Covered Bond Council. This action plan focuses on the creation of a standardised “energy efficient mortgage”, according to which building owners are incentivised to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or to acquire an already energy efficient property by way of preferential financing conditions. In May 2018, EBC joined the EeMAP Pilot Scheme.
Articles on partnerships
- Construction 2050 Alliance publishes its call and commitment for the new EU political term - - Read more
- EBC President Philip van Nieuwenhuizen elected as new Board Member of SMEunited - - Read more
- EU Taxonomy: EBC President calls for a pragmatic and SME-friendly sustainable finance framework in Construction 2050 Alliance event - - Read more
- Innovation: second ECCREDI Council meeting - - Read more
- EBC members meet new Head of Unit Construction Knapton-Vierlich during General Assembly - - Read more
- BIM: SBS attends plenary of CEN/TC 442 in Norway - - Read more
- Standardisation: EBC intervenes at SBS annual event on Sustainable Products - - Read more
- Built4People partnership: EBC talks about inclusivity and innovation in construction - - Read more
- Construction SMEs: First physical EBC meeting since COVID - - Read more
- Skills: EBC supports call from electric contractors to strengthen installers’ skills - - Read more