As official partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) Healthy Workplaces campaign 2023 – 2025 on “Safe and healthy work in the digital age”, EBC is glad to share the opportunity to take part in the 16th call for nominations for the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards.
These awards aim to recognise organisations and companies making outstanding and innovative contributions to occupational health and safety (OHS) by preventing risks associated with digital transformations in their workplace. All entries will be first judged at the national level by EU-OSHA’s network of focal points and then national winners will take part in the pan-European competition, after which the overall winners will be selected.
This also represents an opportunity to get involved in the EU-wide campaign and to promote and share good practices across Europe. A campaign in which EBC partners up with EU-OSHA to raise further awareness on OHS among micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and vulnerable groups of workers. EBC brings indeed forward the experience and challenges of the construction sector, which relies heavily on human know-how and talent that requires optimal health and safety conditions, also in the era of an increased digitalisation.
For further information, visit the official website of the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards and download the flyer here, available in all EU languages. There you will find, among others, a FAQ, good practices’ examples and explanations on how to submit your application, as well as the national deadlines to submit the applications.