On 26 March, in Bratislava, the European Labour Authority organised a collaborative workshop titled ‘Addressing the construction sector: state of play and the way forward’. The exchanges revolved around the activities carried out in 2023 and upcoming initiatives and priorities for this year, the share of practical projects and experiences at EU and national level and ideas on how to work together better to improve the working conditions of the posted workers in the construction sector and to support a fair labour mobility across the EU.
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EBC Secretary General Fernando Sigchos Jiménez, FIEC Director Domenico Campogrande and the President of the EFBWW Building Committee Nina Kreutzman, next to national employers and trade unions representatives. | ELA Executive Director Cosmin Boiangiu, Head of Governance and Coordination Slavka Eley, and part of ELA’s team. |
The construction sector is highly on the agenda of ELA, since it has the most posted and mobile workers in the EU. In this context, the Agency invited and gathered physically and online around 130 participants representing national employers’ organisations and trade unions, national ministries and labour inspectorates, and the EU social partners for construction FIEC and EFBWW, including EBC.
On this occasion, ELA mentioned that its first 5-year cycle of activity is slowly coming to an end, with a major focus on construction in 2023 and other sectors, that will be followed with a horizontal focus on social security in 2025. The Agency reminded the possibility to partner with ELA for delivering joint events targeting employers and workers at national and local levels. The ‘Out of home’ campaign, the support to revise the national websites on posting, the results of common joint inspections, the evolution of the European Employment Services (EURES) and the Posting 360 initiative were then discussed in detail, among others.
As a reminder, ELA was created in 2017 and has been helping Member States and the European Commission to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair, simple, and effective way. ELA also has an important role to play in facilitating and ensuring effective labour mobility in Europe, in particular by activities of EURES.
EBC salutes this useful initiative of ELA and calls for it to be a regular practice, as it establishes a dialogue with all relevant and representative actors in the European construction sector to ensure a proper monitoring of the application of the rules on the posting of workers, a same access to information, and a genuine opportunity to exchange views.
For more information on ELA’s #EU4FairConstruction campaign: https://europa.eu/!Bc7Gxr