On February 13th, the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market held a crucial vote on the revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR), marking a significant step forward in shaping the regulatory landscape for the construction sector. This vote follows extensive negotiations and discussions between the co-legislators that culminated in a provisional agreement in December 2023, reflecting ongoing efforts to address shortcomings in the existing regulatory framework.
The revision of the CPR establishes important changes, notably introducing environmental sustainability requirements for construction products. In tandem with its environmental mandates, the revised CPR emphasises digitalisation as a catalyst for transparency, efficiency, and safety. As such, manufacturers are now requested to provide electronic declarations of performance and conformity or embrace the digital product passport, as outlined in the complementary Eco-design regulation for sustainable products. These changes will be facilitated through a streamlined process of development of harmonised standards, supporting the gradual transition from the current framework to the future one, enabling SMEs to adapt to the new requirements.
EBC and SBS welcome the final agreement, which is simplified and pragmatic compared to the initial proposal of the European Commission, and underscore the importance of working on the implementation of this new framework. The highly technical content of the regulation requires specific dissemination and explanation to micro, small and medium-sized construction companies across Europe, a task which the two organisations will be tackling together once the legislative process is completed.
The revised regulation now awaits approval by the EU Council and the plenary of the European Parliament, with its entry into force expected in the second half of the year.
As part of the preparatory efforts for the future, EBC and SBS are engaged in the Advisory board overseeing a study exploring the feasibility of implementing an EU database for construction products as defined in the CPR. Lead by the Spanish Standardisation body UNE and the Research Center Tecnalia, next to the Norwegian company Cobuilder, the study will conduct a technical assessment on various solutions of an EU database or system for construction products from a bottom-up perspective, link them to relevant EU legislation, and address the digital information needs of regulators, manufacturers, and other stakeholders in the construction value chain, among others. EBC and SBS will offer critical perspectives representing the challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs in this digital evolution of the construction sector, ensuring the feasibility study addresses their unique needs and capabilities. |
To consult the joint EBC-SBS position paper on the revision of the CPR, click here To consult the latest joint EBC-SBS-FIEC-CPE declaration on the revision of the CPR, click here |