Skills: EBC renews its European Alliance for Apprenticeships pledge

This summer, EBC attended the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) high-level event held in Brussels in the context of the European Year of Skills. The event marked the Alliance’s 10th anniversary as well as the 5th anniversary of the European framework for quality and effective apprenticeships. In that context, EBC had the chance to renew its EAfA pledge reconfirming its commitment of strengthening the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships across Europe, while also promoting the mobility of apprentices.

Since 2015, EBC takes part in the EAfA’s broad network ranging from national governments to companies and business organisations, chambers of industry, commerce and crafts, education and training providers, youth and non-profit organisations, regional and local authorities, social partners, professional bodies and networks as well as research institutes and think tanks.

In these years, EBC has already been concretely involved in projects promoting the mobility of apprentices and the attractiveness of the construction sector for young people, such as the Erasmus+ project Construction Blueprint for skills.

In line with EAfA principles, EBC believes that it is crucial to break down the stereotypes of construction careers, by raising the profile of vocational education and developing training programmes more in line with the day-to-day skills needs in construction SMEs, with the ultimate objective to make the sector more attractive to younger generations and under-represented groups, such as women.

The real added value of EBC’s pledge is the possibility to address the topic directly with the national representatives of construction SMEs and crafts in Europe. Thanks to its network, EBC will consult its members and ultimately construction crafts and micro, small and medium companies on relevant skills-related initiatives, as they ensure a great amount of the hands-on training for apprentices at local level.

To find out more about the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, click here.

The EBC pledge for EAfA is available here.