Construction 4.0: BEEYONDERS partners met in Sevilla to discuss next actions

On October 18 and 19, EBC travelled to Spain for the consortium gathering of the Horizon Europe project BEEYONDERS – Breakthrough European tEchnologies Yielding cOnstruction sovereigNty, Diversity & Efficiency of ResourceS. The 2-day project meeting, hosted in Sevilla by the Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales(CATEC), marked a milestone for the EU-funded initiative.

The partners started with technical discussions on the state of play of the diverse innovative worker-friendly technologies developed by the project (exoskeletons, wearables, autonomous vehicles, collaborative robotics, digital twins, 3D printing, etc.), as well as on the planned testing of these technologies in the 6 construction pilot sites in the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and Finland. Also, dissemination, communication and exploitation activities were discussed on which EBC presented an update on the liaison activities with relevant stakeholders and initiatives. Furthermore, the project partners also had the opportunity to visit CATEC’s labs, catching a glimpse of their latest technologies in the field of avionics and their potential in construction.

As the BEEYONDERS project progresses, it keeps contributing to fostering a sense of European technological sovereignty, as well as improving health and safety conditions and reducing the environmental footprint of the construction sector.

For more information on BEEYONDERS and to not miss out any updates, follow the project on LinkedIn and Twitter, or visit the project website.

To learn more about this project, visit the website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101058548