Posting of workers: ELA EU 4 Fair Construction campaign launched with event in Belgium

The European Labour Authority (ELA) considers the construction sector to be a critical area as the largest industrial employer in the EU. Many of its sectoral employment models are relevant to labour mobility, such as subcontracting, temporary work agencies services and posting of third-country nationals. However, the sector faces challenges related to the application of existing rules, the enforcement of these rules, and cooperation between the Member States concerned.

With the largest number of posted workers working in construction according to PDA1 documents statistics from 2020, and in line with its annual work programme, the ELA has announced a number of activities, including the coordination of an information and awareness-raising campaign on posting in the construction sector entitled EU for fair Construction.

The #EU4FairConstruction campaign will organise various local online and physical information sessions and roadshows in different Member States for workers and employers in the construction sector, with a focus on the posting of workers in the sector and the enforcement of the applicable rules.

The aim of the campaign is therefore to ensure that information on the legislation applicable effectively reaches posted workers and employers, to clarify and demystify the specific rights and obligations of construction workers and employers. Aimed at the sectoral social partners, national public institutions, local construction professionals and other stakeholders, the ELA also aims to actively support the organisation and coordination of concerted and joint inspections by the supervisory authorities in the Member States to strengthen cross-border enforcement of the rules.

This EU-wide information campaign was launched on 17 October 2023 with a first event in Belgium. As well as presentations on the state of play in the country’s construction sector and a debate on the importance of worker mobility in the sector, this rich Belgian event also welcomed public services from Germany, France, and the Netherlands, who explained their own regulatory frameworks applicable to workers posted by Belgian employers to these neighbouring countries. There was also a special focus on construction inspections and how to prepare for them in Belgium. The event benefited from the active participation of the EBC Belgian member Bouwunie.

EBC and its members look forward to continuing their collaboration with the ELA on this thematic campaign, to discuss topics of great importance to construction SMEs in Europe.

ELA’s 2023 awareness raising campaign

For more information on the EU 4 Fair Construction campaign, visit the dedicated page in the ELA website:
The campaign runs simultaneously via different platforms such as ELA´s social media channels (LinkedIn, X & Facebook), YouTube, via a mobile app, but also locally on construction sites and more.