Skills: Commission publishes its first Pact for skills Annual Report

The European Commission has recently released the first Pact for Skills Annual report 2022. This first edition assesses the progress made towards skills anticipation and development by members of the Pact for Skills, showcases their key achievements in 2022 and highlights remaining challenges and opportunities in the field of skills development as perceived by Pact members. The survey results also present Pact members’ suggestions for future activities and resources.

Information in this report is based on an annual survey which was open from February to March 2023 for all registered Pact for Skills members. 2 461 members responded to the survey from all EU Member States and all 14 industrial ecosystems. What emerged from the analysis is that the members of the Pact have achieve following the four main Pact principles, namely: promoting a culture of lifelong learning; monitoring skills supply/demand; building strong skills partnerships; and working against discrimination for equal opportunities.

Key cross-ecosystems findings of the report include:

  • 2 million people benefited from up-and re-skilling activities
  • 19 million people were reached by promotion and dissemination activities
  • 21 500 stakeholders joined forces in skills partnerships or networks
  • 15 500 training programmes were updated or developed
  • €160,000,000 was invested into upskilling and reskilling by Pact members

In addition to these figures, further engagement in the 14 large-scale skills partnerships (LSP) that are in place since the end of 2022 to complement the Pacts for skills also seems to have resulted in strengthened stakeholder collaboration, according to the range of organisations involved, such as training providers, micro, small or medium employers, and civil society organisations .Benefits identified include better access to information on upskilling and reskilling, opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking with relevant actors in their ecosystem. The survey also found that when implementing upskilling and reskilling activities some key challenges remain: the lack of financial and human resources was the most reported.

EBC together with FIEC and EFBWW developed the Pact for Skills in construction, launched in early 2022. This Pact aims to mobilise a concerted effort among private and public stakeholders for quality investment in Vocational and Educational Training (VET), knowledge, skills, and competences to benefit the European construction sector, for all working age people across the EU.

Building on the 43 responses stemming from construction stakeholders, this report highlights that in the sector administrative burdens when delivering upskilling and reskilling activities (100%, 43) are considered the most hindering factor in the implementation of skills development and anticipation activities, much more compared to the lack of financial (49%, 21) and human resources (44%, 19).

To read the Pact for skills Annual Report 2022, click here.

To read the Pact for Skills survey results one pager, click here.

To sign the Pact for Skills in construction, click here.