Energy transition: EBC in new ENZA video on skills needs for a Net-Zero Industry Act

The European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA) gathers organisations from different sectors and value chains who ambition to deliver the energy transition of the European union through a common approach. This informal platform enables stronger stakeholder alignment on policy options and support decision makers to identify the most comprehensive, impactful, and cost-efficient solutions for climate mitigation.

EBC joined ENZA earlier this year, in order to facilitate cross-sectoral exchanges between the energy, sustainability and construction sector.

In this context, ENZA has recently released the fourth video of its “To Net Zero with…” series, featuring EBC, Cogen Europe and Eurogas.

In an open exchange, Alexandra Tudoroiu-Lakavice from COGEN Europe, Bronagh O’Hagan from Eurogas and EBC Secretary General Fernando Sigchos Jiménez explore the skills-related aspects of the Net-Zero Industry Act and the importance of the right skills to meet the EU’s climate ambitions.

Indeed, the number and quality of trained energy and construction professionals is a fundamental issue, as their availability in sufficient numbers and with the right skills will lay the foundations for the implementation of the EU Green Deal, with a key role for Member States given that education and training are national competences.

The Net Zero Industry Act is a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem.

To know more about the European Net Zero Alliance, visit the website: