Earlier this month, on April 4 and 5, EBC met the partners of the Horizon Europe project HumanTech – Human Centred Technologies for a safer and greener European Construction Industry, who this time gathered in Barcelona.
The Iberian Peninsula welcomed the representatives of the 22 partner organisations from 10 countries, including Germany, Italy, Japan, and Greece, in a meeting hosted by the Spanish Artificial Intelligence Construction Software provider Naska. During the meeting, the consortium took stock of the state of play, discussing the advances made over the past 7 months and constructively exchanging ideas on how to keep developing innovative technologies benefitting the health and safety of construction professionals, while contributing to the sustainability efforts of the sector.
After the opening of the meeting by the Project coordinator, the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence’s Augmented Vision department (DFKI), the partnership went through the progress made on wearables technologies, robotics and human-robot collaboration in construction.
Also, WP6 leader TUS (the Technological University of the Shannon), presented the upcoming workshop which will take play on May 16th in Alicante (Spain) to assess worker’s technology acceptance of these ground-breaking technologies and the state of play of the development of tailored micro-learning units (blended and on-site) aiming at familiarizing students, workers and their trainers with digital technology skills to align the workforce skills with health and safety and green technological advances.The two-day meeting closed with a practical Workshop on the dependencies of the 5 large-scale construction demonstration sites in Europe (Switzerland, Spain, Germany) and Japan. On these pilot sites, testing and trial activities are planned for robotic devices equipped with vision and intelligence; smart, unobtrusive workers’ protection and support equipment; and Dynamic Semantic Digital Twins.
In HumanTech, EBC will be involved in the usability assessment from the point of view of construction SMEs of the upcoming technologies, in promoting the awareness on safety technologies for construction companies and in developing a training approach for the upskilling of the current and future workforce on technologies for workers’ safety, well-being, and human-robot collaboration in construction.
Moreover, EBC will play a key role in building partnerships and synergies with other relevant initiatives and projects, to streamline an SME-friendly approach in the ongoing digitalisation of the construction sector.
To learn more about this project, visit the website. Subscribe to the HumanTech newsletter not to miss the latest developments and findings of the partnership! |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101058236. |