EBC has recently joined the European Net Zero Alliance (ENZA), a development which has been formalised at the first Secretary General’s meeting chaired by Euroheat & Power at the end of February 2023. The ENZA alliance counts 22 members, including EU industry players such as the European Heating Industry (EHI), COGEN Europe, Hydrogen Europe, Solar Heat Europe, Cerame-Unie, CEWEP or Eurogas.
ENZA aims to enable teamwork between organisations from different sectors and markets that wish to achieve energy transition and climate neutrality through a collaborative approach. ENZA thus aims at enabling stronger stakeholder alignment on policy options and supporting decision makers to identify the most bottom-up, comprehensive, impactful, and cost-efficient solutions for climate mitigation, while promoting sustainable crosscutting solutions.
Indeed, the achievement of climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 at the latest is one of ENZA’s main goals, through clear and realistic 2030 and intermediate energy and climate objectives that will help manage the EU’s carbon budget in a cost-effective way, but also through a pragmatic approach that allows different technologies to build on each other and support each other through the identification of synergies related to system integration.
ENZA has been built around the drive for a cost-effective transition that relies on the use of existing infrastructure, with the option of retrofitting where feasible, and building new infrastructure where really necessary, ensuring that no-one is left behind. Such a transition will need to build on the benefits of digitalisation, a strong and decisive sectoral strategy to strengthen the EU’s global industrial leadership in clean technologies, and robust policies and financing tools that support the creation of quality jobs and a skilled workforce, innovation, research, development and deployment of climate mitigating technologies in Europe.
On EBC joining ENZA, EBC Secretary General Fernando SIGCHOS JIMÉNEZ stated: “EBC is pleased to join the ENZA alliance as construction SMEs and crafts are committed to contributing to the efforts to deliver the Renovation Wave and a sustainable construction sector. This timely platform will trigger further open and constructive exchanges to identify synergies and new ideas to achieve Europe’s climate neutrality by 2050.”
Click here to download Enza’s Roadmap.
To know more about the European Net Zero Alliance, visit the website: https://netzeroalliance.eu/ |