Standardisation: Industry actors react to draft IMCO Report on the Construction Products Regulation 

In December, EBC, together with SBS, FIEC and CPE have together suggested further improvement of the draft report of MEP Christian Doleschal (EPP/ Germany), Rapporteur on the CPR revision proposal in the IMCO committee.

The Rapporteur has already made a few proposals aligned with requests from the construction sector, such as the exclusion from the regulation of services and products manufactured on the construction site, and some clarifications on the standardisation system.

Together, EBC, SBS, FIEC and CPE brought detailed and concrete proposals on how to obtain a better-functioning, more efficient Regulation, which will support the construction ecosystem to deliver on the EU priorities. These proposals aim at streamlining the application of the CPR for all stakeholders alike, by clarifying, among others, the exemptions and simplification procedures, while supporting the status of European Assessment Documents (EADs) as harmonised technical specifications, rationalising the Assessment and Verification systems, and pushing for more efforts towards digital construction.

The lead IMCO Committee is expected to vote on its report at the end of March 2023, taking into account the opinions of the ENVI and ITRE committees. We look forward to continuing the discussion with Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and Member States representatives, to advocate for a simple and well-functioning CPR which achieves its objectives, while matching the reality of the construction sector.

To read the EBC/SBS position paper on  CPR revision proposal , click here.

To read the EBC, SBS, FIEC and CPE joint statement on the draft IMCO report on the CPR, click here.