Skills: 7th Construction Blueprint for skills partners’ meeting in Paris

On 23 and 24 May 2022, EBC participated in the seventh international meeting of the Erasmus+ project Construction Blueprint for skills, hosted at the headquarters of the Fédération Française du Bâtiment (FFB) in Paris.

Construction Blueprint 7th International meeting, Paris, May 2022

The hybrid meeting was the second opportunity since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic for the 24 project partners to meet physically and discuss the latest progress of the project, which continues to pursue the primary objective of identifying the most pressing skills needs in the construction sector and defining strategies and training offers adapted to the companies’ and workers’ demands.

During the two-day meeting, the consortium discussed the current status and next steps of the project, in more detail:  

  • the updating of the e-learning platform gathering freely available courses focused on energy efficiency, digitalisation and circular economy;
  • the creation of a “Skills Observatory” aimed at anticipating skills needs in the construction sector at European level;
  • the analysis of identified emerging occupations and professional profiles in the construction sector;
  • the preparation of a final transnational outreach campaign focusing on the promotion of the attractiveness of the construction industry (especially toward youth and women);
  • the facilitation of the mobility of construction apprentices and professionals in Europe.

During the first day, EBC, FIEC and EFBWW presented the latest updates on the organisation of the different national endorsement events, the activity of the NAGs (National Advisory Groups), and the development of the Construction Blueprint Sectoral Skills Alliance, a forum where construction stakeholders from industry and education can interact, discuss the current and future situation of skills in the construction sector and exchange good practices at European and local level.

In the second day, the three EU umbrella organisations hold a specific and interactive workshop aimed at addressing and discussing within the consortium the life-after-project sustainability of the project’s results and findings, which is approaching its final phase, with a sequence of final events and results planned by December 2022.

Stay tuned for updates on the latest developments and findings of the partnership!

Help us by replying to a 10-minutes public questionnaire on construction companies’ skills needs, aiming at identifying the transversal skills needs of European construction companies.
The questionnaire takes only 10 minutes to complete and is available in 11 EU languages at the following link: