The Romanian cluster ZEPHER joins EBC

EBC is happy to announce that the Cluster ZEPHER has joined EBC, becoming its second Romanian member next to Uniunea Nationala a Patronatului Roman (UNPR).

Established in 2016 and based in Oradea (Bihor County), the Cluster ZEPHER is a regional entity launched by small construction companies enthusiastic and specialised in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the construction sector.

Indeed, the founding members are construction SMEs and installers who decided to join forces with universities and specialized experts to reinforce the development of energy efficient buildings and renewable energy sources at the local and national level.

The cluster benefits from the long-standing expertise of its members in fields such nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), passive houses, energy efficient technologies and renewable energies solutions, in relation to which they have been involved in several research & innovation initiatives at both national and European level. Recently they collaborated with EBC in the Horizon 2020 project BIM4Ren.

EBC is glad to welcome the Cluster ZEPHER among its members and looks forward to further exploring the collaboration with cluster-format organisations.

Find out more about the Cluster ZEPHER HERE (information available in Romanian only).