Reach revision: survey for construction professionals using construction products containing chemical with hazard risks

In the past weeks, EBC has been contacted by FEICA, the Association of the European Adhesive & Sealant Industry, to discuss the revision of the EU chemical legislation, and more specifically the concept of generic risk assessment and the potential extension of hazard classes within the REACH regulation.

Certain change proposals to the REACH regulation could have an impact on the activities of construction SMEs. Indeed, because of proposals to change the existing framework on risk management, professional users could no longer be allowed to work with adhesives and sealants containing certain substances as they would be considered in the same way as regular users/consumers. This revision would also extend the scope of certain bans to different types of products, which could also have an impact on construction products.

EBC replied to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the topic, supporting the view that professional workers and private consumers should not be treated in the same way when it comes to the handling of products containing potentially hazardous substances.

In this context, FEICA is conducting a short survey titled “Introduction to the concept of generic risk assessment and extension of hazard classes to collect information on the introduction to the concept of generic risk assessment and extension of hazard classes. The survey aims at collecting information that demonstrates how professional users are well organized and trained to handle chemical products with hazard classifications, in order to highlight the strong commitment of construction professionals in the application of OSH requirements.

FEICA will be organising a workshop with the European Commission on 13 May, where the results of the survey will be presented, and has invited EBC to participate.

To access the survey, please click here:

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