In the context of its participation to the Coalition on Sustainable Buildings & Neighbourhoods (CSBN), EBC co-presented its vision on One-Stop-Shops (OSS) together with the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) during a dedicated online workshop on OSS organised by the Covenant of Mayors on Monday 12 October. Earlier this year, UIPI and EBC published a joint Position Paper on the role of OSS in making the Renovation Wave a success. Interventions by BEUC, the European federation of consumer organisations, as well as GNE Finance, a financial institution engaged in eco-sustainable building renovations, contributed to the debate.
The meeting held last week was aimed at bringing together the core CSBN group treating OSS as well as other interested stakeholders to jointly reflect on how to accelerate the roll-out of renovation advice and support services at subnational level so as to drive the decarbonisation of the built environment in Europe.
EBC’s intervention focused on the current state of EU funding tools for the creation of OSS, notably the ELENA Programme of the European Investment Bank (EIB), while also highlighting the challenges faced in terms of technical support and funding by the actors involved in the setup functioning of OSS (including construction SMEs, public/local authorities, homeowners and end consumers). Specific suggestions to resolve these issues and improve the visibility and efficacy of OSS were made. Mr. Reinhard Six, Senior Energy Engineer at the EIB, took the occasion to clarify the EIB’s outlook and responded to the points made by EBC and UIPI regarding the ELENA Programme.
The ultimate goal of the workshop was to agree on a coalition output to help guide local (and regional) authorities establish and maintain OSS. In this spirit, the Covenant of Mayors will structure a document incorporating the conclusions of the exchanges that took place and points that were made by participants during the online event.
To read the joint EBC-UIPI position paper on One-stop shops, click here |
To learn more about the Covenant of Mayor for Climate & Energy, click here |