Energy Efficiency: Commission should act with proportion regarding a possible revision of the EPBD

Today, the European Commission has published its public consultation on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), through which all stakeholders can provide feedback by 22 June 2021. The feedback from this consultation will feed into the Commission’s preparation of legislative proposals for revising the directive, which is supposed to be published before the end of the year.

Anticipating this public consultation, the European Commission already published an Inception Impact Assessment in February outlining objectives and policy options concerning the EPBD. EBC participated in this impact assessment by highlighting that although a possible re-opening of the EPBD could improve the Directive’ capability to be up to the tasks ahead and to meet the ambitions phrased under the 2050 climate target as well as within the New European Green Deal, a constantly changing policy framework and too excessive requirements could inhibit rather than stimulate demand.

Indeed, a number of countries have only recently implemented the EPBD and many parts are not in place yet. This indicates that not enough time has passed to properly see the results of the last EPBD revision. Hence, EBC highlighted that the European Commission should act with proportion regarding a possible revision of the EPBD and rather wait for it to be reviewed when clear results, problems and shortcomings from the last review can be analysed.

Buildings are a central element of the daily life of Europeans by providing a space to live, learn and work. With buildings estimated to be responsible for approximately 40% of energy consumption and 36% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, they are the single largest energy consumer and thus a core component for action to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target. For all these reasons, EBC closely monitors the review process of the EPBD and will respond to the public consultation.

To access the European Commission public consultation on the revision of the EPBD, click here