Appeal by the construction industry for a rapid and sustainable recovery

In view of the European Summit, the main construction representatives at the European level, EBC, FIEC, EFBWW, Construction Products Europe, Housing Europe, UIPI and EuroACE (EU Alliance of companies for energy efficiency in Buildings), launched an Appeal for a rapid and sustainable recovery. The signatories urge the Heads of State and Government and the Member States to rapidly approve the proposed Recovery Plan and robustly implement all its various components.

Stimulating construction activities needs to be at the heart of economic recovery plans both at EU and national levels, as without the construction sector the European Union cannot respond to its main challenges in terms of competitiveness, youth unemployment, digital economy, energy efficiency and energy poverty, circular economy, affordable housing, climate change, clean mobility and connected infrastructure, and more.

They also ask that the adequate policy framework, instruments and procedures be put in place, in order to ensure that Member States can make the best possible use of the funding available and that such funding effectively reaches the real economy in the shortest possible time frame.

Click on the image below or here to read the full joint statement