On the occasion of the second meeting of its partnership, this time hosted by the Italian organization for vocational training in construction Formedil in Rome, the project coordinator Fundación Laboral de la Construcción presented the brand new website of the European project “Construction Blueprint”: www.constructionblueprint.eu.
This tool has mainly been designed and developed to disseminate the findings and results of the “Construction Blueprint”, but not only. Indeed, in addition to storing all project outputs, the website will progressively evolve into a major platform for collaborative work, as one of the objectives of this Erasmus+ funded initiative is to establish a sustainable alliance between construction stakeholders and VET providers.
This virtual tool will thus also provide accurate information on training needs in different European countries through the use of big data; recompile European, national and regional good practices that illustrate and promote initiatives to address the lack of professional skills in construction; and host a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for construction workers on digital and environmental trends.
As a reminder, the EU co-funded project “Construction Blueprint” consists of 24 partners from 12 different EU countries collaborating to improve the match between the needs of construction companies and the programmes offered by training centres and to anticipate skills needs in the fields of digitalisation, circular economy and energy efficiency.
Currently, national construction partners and VET providers are finalising the analysis of the state of play in their respective Member States, while the European umbrella organisations, EBC, FIEC and EFBWW, are working on the guidance and structure of the future alliance.
The next GA will be hosted by the Limerick Institute of Technology in Ireland, in March 2020. Stay tuned to the website and the twitter account @EUConstruction for more information!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus + programme.