On 2 and 3 October, EBC participated in the third General Assembly of the BIM4ren project hosted by the Dutch research organisation for applied sciences TNO in the complex of the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
This meeting marked the first anniversary of this Horizon 2020 project, started in October 2018, which aims at making full use of BIM technology in the field of energy renovation of existing buildings, by introducing easy-to-use BIM tools and services for collaborative construction processes. At this occasion, the partnership discussed the results achieved, the technical progress and the upcoming challenges, notably taking into account comments made by the European Commission.
Among the several topics covered, particular attention was dedicated to the presentation of the key results of the just concluded Work Package 1. Under the lead of the Spanish research centre TECNALIA, the main milestone achieved at this stage is the completion of the definition of the “Overall framework for a digital driven IDDS-ready BIM based renovation process”. This framework contains the specifications for the integration of tools & services in the BIM4REN digitalized renovation workflows, which have been adopted taking into consideration the stakeholders’ requirements as well as the available or potential tools that contribute to enhance the renovation process.
In addition, different workshops were held to discuss the pilot use cases and the needs of end users, with the ambition that tools designed for the upcoming BIM4Ren platform are really useful for end users with different roles in the overall renovation value chain.
Now the focus is on the technical specifications of the BIM4Ren repository (WP2), under the lead of the RWTH University of Aachen (Germany), as well as on the multi-data collection tools (WP3) under coordination by CSTB from France and on the integration of these tools and services in the BIM4ren one stop access platform (WP6) under the lead of UK IT solution development company specialised in sustainability issues Ekodenge. Meanwhile, field testing operations are still ongoing in the three pilot sites, in Paris, San Sebastian and Venice.
The next GA will take place in Brussels early next year, with an info-session/conference for all construction stakeholders! More information soon on the BIM4REN website www.bim4ren.eu or Twitter account @BIM4REN.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 820773.