On 29 August, EBC met representatives of the European Standardization Organization CEN-CENELEC to discuss about respective priorities for the EU legislative period 2019-2024.
European standardisation is crucial for construction SMEs and craftsmen because construction is one of the most affected sectors in the standards-making process. Around 600 harmonised standards and 1500 test method standards pertain to construction products. EBC is therefore very active in this field in cooperation with Small Business Standards (SBS), the association representing SMEs in the standard making process.
On this occasion, EBC Secretary General presented the main pillars of the EBC Manifesto 2019-2024 “Empowering construction SMEs to build a sustainable Europe” and, in particular, its standardisation priorities:
- Support the representation of SMEs in standardisation at all levels, through organisations such as SBS
- Optimise the application of the Construction Products Regulation to ensure the free circulation of construction products and allow a well-functioning internal market
- Provide a flexible approach to standards-writing, allowing the industry to put forward technical solutions matching SME needs while satisfying regulatory objectives

CEN-CENELEC, for its part, presented its 2019-2024 “Standards Build Trust” declaration aimed at highlighting the contribution standards make to achieve the priorities of European policy-making. In particular, EBC and CEN-CENELEC representatives explored potential cooperation around the five priorities of the “Standards build trust” declaration:
- A harmonised Single Market
- A competitive European industry ready to lead in international trade
- Trust in new technology
- Enhanced innovation for Europe
- The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda
To know more about the Declaration, please visit: https://www.standardsbuildtrust.eu/