BIM4Ren project – How do you use BIM in renovation processes?

BIM4REN is a European funded research project with a total of 23 European partners involved. Its general objective is to help improving the low productivity rate of the European construction sector in the market segment of energy renovation. By innovating and allowing every kind of construction actor to easily use novel and adequate BIM based digital tools, the project aims to overcome current barriers in culture, knowledge, tradition, affordability and opportunity that hinder the access to the digital revolution.

With this ambition in mind, the project will propose an independent and collaborative service platform, which has the ambition to engage all stakeholders in the whole technology design and development process in line with the Open Innovation 2.0 paradigm.

As part of the initial stages of the BIM4REN Project, the preliminary works are oriented to identify and better understand the role of the main agents and stakeholders involved in renovation works as well as their current level of knowledge in relation with digital technologies. Taking into consideration those different roles as well as the variety of different renovation possibilities, the aim of this stage is to identify the main requirements and constraints for each stakeholder in each renovation case. The aim is on the one hand, to try to detect and capture the knowledge of a wide variety of stakeholders and on the other hand, to identify and describe a set of different renovation scenarios to provide useful inputs for the upcoming activities and WPs. This information will be very valuable to later guide how the BIM4REN platform will be structured and designed.

To that end, we need you! We would like to collect the testimony of BIM experts and professionals in renovation works in order to list the needs and locks encountered. Help us by filling a 15-minutes survey below: (available in English, French, Spanish and Italian). To make this more fun, prizes (books on BIM, free test of BIM tools, etc.) are at stake!

Contact us directly if you wish to obtain more information on the project:

You can already follow BIM4REN on twitter:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreemen No 820773