On 27 September, the Energy Efficiency Mortgages Pilot Scheme Meeting took place in Venice, putting further focus on how best to ensure a successful deployment of the Energy Efficient Mortgage Action Plan (EEMAP) in the market, by combining market and institutional expertise. Within this frame, participants could listen to the analysis of criticalities and potential solutions, which was conducted by seven subgroups on topics such as marketing, the development of technical expertise, risk management, as well as IT solutions and data.
Based on the discussions within the subgroup on the development of technical expertise, EBC gave a presentation about the relevance of craftsmen and SMEs in the construction sector as well as an overview about the situation on the energy efficiency markets in different countries. The main focus rested on the question of how the trust between banks and construction enterprises in regard to the quality of the works can be ensured in order to develop a forward looking cooperation. “It is important to keep in mind that a one-size-fits-all-approach will not work in order to establish quality safe-guarding schemes, because the existing systems to guarantee the quality of construction work undertaken vary significantly between countries. Thus it is essential that banks cooperate with national associations representing the construction sector as well as align and respect existing national practices”, says EBC Policy Officer Ann-Cathrin Rönsch.