On Friday 28th June, SBS announced its Call for tenders for experts to represent SMEs in standardisation, requesting applications from candidate experts to represent SME interests at European and international level in 2019.
The Call is open to any expert interested in representing SME interests in CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO or IEC, and applicants are welcome from any sector, including construction. Selected experts will develop a European SME position and be the representative of European SMEs in their TC/SC/WG. They will work as SME spokesperson and not as the representative of a single organisation/company/country. Experts will be appointed for one year and their appointment is renewable. This new call is co-funded by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
Full details of the Call can be found HERE, together with details of the application procedure. The deadline for applications is 26th October 2018 and application should be sent to: president@sbs-sme.eu
Experts may be unpaid or paid (either through a contract with a supporting SME organisation or independent), with €10 000 per year for experts at European level and €19 000 for those at International level, and are appointed to work in one Technical Committee (an expert may be paid for one Technical Committee (TC) and unpaid in others) and, unless a TC has no Working Groups (WG), an expert is required to serve in at least one WG of the TC to which they are appointed.
Experts are selected on merit, and about 60 will be selected for 2019. The main criteria for selection are:
- proven knowledge of the subject within the scope of the TC/SC/WG Work Programme,
- proven knowledge of the standardisation system,
- SME or craft oriented background,
- excellent knowledge of English (written and verbal),
- good communication skills, computer literacy, willingness to travel.
Full details are given in the link above. EBC coordinates the construction sector approach of SBS, so additional information on construction-related activities may be obtained from secretariat@ebc-construction.eu