Today the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held the second meeting of the Study Group on “the European pillar of social rights”. The work of the Study Group will lead to an Opinion by the EESC, to be integrated in the major consultation exercise the Commission will run through the rest of 2016. Considering the importance of this initiative, the rapporteurs of the Opinion are the Presidents of the three Groups of the EESC (Employers, Workers and Various Interests’ Group).
According to the initial Commission proposals, the Pillar – once established – should become the reference framework to screen the employment and social performance of participating Member States, to drive the process of reforms at national level and to serve as a compass for renewed convergence within the euro area.
EBC contributed to the study group, as its representatives sit in the Employers’ Group. One of the main points raised is about social dialogue. The European Sectoral Social Dialogue should be inclusive and representative in order to work properly.
Becoming a European social partner has been one of the main battles for EBC over the past years. We think that the small and medium-sized construction companies that EBC represents also ought to have their voice heard in all the fundamental subjects the European Social Dialogue deals with.