Smart standardisation for SMEs

Small Business Standards SBS organised for the first time its “Smart standardisation for SMEs” EU annual conference. The first of a series of annual conferences – aiming to discuss the standardisation process, its impact on SMEs and its benefits – focussed on “From national to European standardisation in a global context”.
With SMEs at centre of the discussion, the speakers addressed the importance of standards in boosting competitiveness for SMEs, the promotion of national best practices, the added value of being involved in the standardisation process, and the transition from national to European standardisation.
One of the main topics of discussion examined the challenges of SME representation in an international context. Furthermore, while the role of SMEs in standardisation and their relevance in contributing to influence standards was deeply discussed from different angles, including the role of national mirror committees as well as training and raising awareness among SMEs, there was also a direct reference made regarding the impacts of the Vienna Agreement on the standardisation process.